Klassische Archäologie



International Colloquium “Perspectives from the Field: Recent Research on the Archaeology of Ancient North Africa” (Munich, 13–15 June 2019)



Ancient North Africa is one of the most diversified regions in the Mediterranean. The coastal areas between the Atlantic shores of Morocco and the Libyan Sirtes offer different climate zones, various landscapes, and many micro-regions with their own cultural history. Furthermore, the archaeological evidence for Prehistoric, Berber, Numidian, Punic, Roman, Vandal and Byzantine cultures presents its own contrasts: on the one hand, there are well-known archaeological sites offering well-preserved buildings and monuments, and on the other hand, entire cities hidden below the surface which can only be made visible through geophysical methods. In recent years, Ancient North Africa has seen a great deal of dynamic and multifaceted fieldwork. The ongoing process of adopting new archaeological methods, however, is not a purely technological phenomenon but also modifies and refines the individual questions we ask.
The intention of the conference “Perspectives from the Field: Recent Research on the Archaeology of Ancient North Africa” is to bring together archaeologists who are conducting fieldwork projects at different sites, in order to compare questions, methods, and results, and to stimulate discussion on future perspectives.


Program of the Colloquium (1 MByte)
Poster (4 MByte)


Prof. Dr. Stefan Ritter (LMU, Meninx Archaeological Project / MAP); Dr. habil. Sami Ben Tahar (Institut National du Patrimoine / INP Djerba, MAP); Dr. Paul Scheding (LMU, MAP)

Opening lecture:
Prof. Dr. David Mattingly (University of Leicester)

Prof. Dr. Susan Alcock (University of Michigan); Dr. Michel Bonifay (Aix-en-Provence); Prof. Dr. Johannes Eingartner (Augsburg); Dr. Nicolas Lamare (Paris, MAP); Dr. Philipp von Rummel (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut / DAI, Berlin)

Mekki Aoudi (Université de Sfax) ; Dr. Stefan Ardeleanu (Universität Heidelberg); Christoph Baur M. A. (Universität Innsbruck); Dr. Véronique Brouquier-Reddé (CNRS, Paris); Dr. Ralf Bockmann (DAI Rom) ; Dr. Mondher Brahmi (INP Tunis); Dr. Moheddine Chaouali (INP Tunis); Prof. Dr. Stephen Collins-Elliott (University of Tennessee); Dr. Andrew Dufton (New York University); Dr. Corisande Fenwick (University College, London); Dr. Matthew S. Hobson (University of Leicester); Prof. Dr. Antonio Ibba (Università di Sassari); PD Dr. habil. Ulla Kreilinger (Münster); Dr. Heike Möller (DAI Berlin); Dr. Ammar Othman (Université de Sfax); Dr. Silvia Polla (FU Berlin); Dr. Anna-Katharina Rieger (Universität Graz); PD Dr. Heiko Riemer (Universität Köln); Dr. Hamden Ben Romdhane (INP Tunis); Dr. Sebastian Schmid (LMU); Dr. Frerich Schön (Universität Tübingen); Dr. Nichole Sheldrick (University of Oxford, MAP); Dr. Souad Slimani (Université de Constantine 2); Prof. Dr. Mariette de Vos Raaijmakers (Università di Trento).